Town Council Support

Nov 16, 2018News


The town of Ilkley is growing and is about to grow considerably when more houses are inevitably approved between now and 2030. The population will increase and so will the opportunities for businesses. We have to keep that business in Ilkley, and not let it migrate to Leeds or even Bradford and Skipton. Ilkley has to be attractive to businesses and customers and tourists. How better to ensure this than give local firms the chance to invest in their future, Ilkley’s future, through a Business Improvement District?

£500,000 over five years under the control of local BID members – who could ask for more? The Town Council and I have been supporting this project for years now because the injection of funding, shared fairly between our shops and service firms, will make sure that Ilkley gets what Ilkley businesses want. I don’t know what this will be, but I do know that it will be chosen by local enterprises, not local politicians.

The BID will not take over work being done now by Bradford Council or Ilkley Town Council and will run in parallel with it. It will be good for employees and customers, mostly Ilkley residents. The Town Council supports the BID because it will help to make Ilkley businesses flourish.

Steve Butler
Ilkley Town Council