Ilkley Watch – Shop Safe App

The Ilkley Business Improvement District (BID) has implemented the ShopSafe app to combat retail crime and anti-social behaviour in the town. This initiative, launched in response to a rise in such incidents, has proven to be a valuable tool for local businesses.

Benefits of the Ilkley Watch Shop Safe Scheme

The ShopSafe app operates as a free, secure platform accessible via a mobile app. BID members, which include retailers and hospitality venues, can leverage this app to:

  • Share information quickly and securely: The platform allows for instant messaging between businesses, enabling them to share updates and descriptions of suspicious individuals or ongoing incidents.
  • Upload images: Businesses can upload photos of suspects or situations, providing valuable visual context for other members.
  • Boost security awareness: The app fosters a sense of community and vigilance among Ilkley’s business owners and staff.

Results of the Ilkley Watch Shop Safe Scheme

The Ilkley Watch Shop Safe scheme is now used by 65 Ilkley BID businesses. Improved communication and collaboration between businesses make it harder for criminals to operate unnoticed. Ilkley BID director Garry Wilkinson has highlighted the app’s effectiveness in facilitating communication. With Ilkley Watch, businesses can receive pre-warnings about potential shoplifters or disruptive individuals, allowing them to take preventative measures. This improved communication network is likely to deter criminal activity and contribute to a safer business environment in Ilkley.

The Ilkley Watch Shop Safe Scheme serves as a successful example of a community-driven approach to crime prevention. By working together and sharing information effectively, Ilkley’s businesses are creating a safer and more secure environment for themselves and their customers.

Please get in touch: to register your business for the free ShopSafe app.

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