What’s a BID?

What’s a Business Improvement District (BID)?

A BID is a business-led and business funded body formed to improve a defined commercial area. Most BIDs are governed by a board made up of BID levy payers who represent the BID area. This means that businesses have a genuine voice to decide and direct what they want for the area.

Has there been support for a BID in Ilkley?

YES – the ballot result from 29th March 2019 indicated that of the businesses who returned their ballot papers, 81% were in favour of the BID, and the rateable value of those who voted yes was 87% of the aggregate. The renewal ballot in March 2024 saw 51% of businesses eligible to vote took part in the postal ballot with 68% in favour by number and 83% by rateable value.

How does the BID help my business?

There are more than 300 BIDs already operating across the UK, with the majority focusing on town or city centres. Businesses report that the benefits they have brought about include:

  • Businesses deciding and directing major projects that they want for their area
  • Improved promotion and marketing of the town
  • Increased footfall, which leads to increased business turnover
  • Added vibrancy and vitality
  • Additional networking opportunities within the local business community
  • Improved relations with Councils, Police and other public bodies.

What types of projects are being run by the Ilkley BID

The first term saw four main areas being covered by the Ilkley BID:

  • Marketing Ilkley
  • One Voice for Ilkley Businesses
  • A Clean and Attractive Ilkley
  • Business Support

The current and second term outlines three key objectives to benefit all sectors of the town:

  • Marketing and promotion of the town
  • Keeping Ilkley clean and attractive
  • Supporting businesses