Roadmap out of lockdown

Mar 15, 2021News, Pillar 4

With stage 1 of the roadmap already in place with the return of children to schools on the 8th March, we now prepare for the remaining stages that will see our high street reopen.

The reopening of the economy is guided by the continuing fast pace of Covid-19 vaccinations and the falling numbers of Coronavirus cases, deaths, and hospitalisations.

The roadmap seeks to balance health, economic and social factors.

Stage 1 continued – March 29th 

Outdoor gatherings allowed of up to six people, or two households if this is larger, not just in parks but also gardens.

Formally organized outdoor sport will also return – this can include a larger number of participants, provided that appropriate steps are taken to make it COVID-Secure in line with the law. Indoor facilities, such as changing rooms, should not be used at this time,

Stage 2 – 12th April

Following the move to Step 2, further settings will be permitted to open such as Non-essential retail.

  • Non-essential retail will open including Hairdressers and libraries
  • Up to six people from two separate households could be able to meet in outdoor hospitality settings
  • Gyms, indoor leisure, and swimming pools will reopen
  • Self-catering holiday accommodations and camp sites will reopen for same households only.
  • An end to hospitality curfews, including the requirement to eat a substantial meal alongside alcohol
  • No indoor mixing will be allowed while current Social contact rules will continue to apply.
  • Funerals will continue to allow for 30 attendees and weddings will have up to 15 guests
Stage 3 – 17th May

Indoor areas of hospitality venues will reopen. As with outdoor service, table service will be required.

  • The rule of six will look to be removed for outdoor gatherings, replaced with a limit of 30 people.
  • groups of six from two households will be able to socialise indoors. including hospitality settings such as bars, restaurants and pubs.
  • Cinemas, museums, hotels, theatres, and sporting events will reopen. Social distancing will remain.
  • Up to 100000 spectators can attend large outdoor seated venues.
  • Weddings, funerals, receptions, and wakes will increase to allow for 30 attendees.


Stage 4 – 21st June

By Stage 4 we hope to see all legal limits on social contact removed and allow for sectors such as nightclubs to reopen and large-scale events to be allowed.


For more details on the roadmap please search:…/publ…/covid-19-response-spring-2021

If you need more Covid19 Shop Safe posters or floor stickers, please email

To download yourself please see