For events, news and things to do in  Ilkley, visit our tourism site: DISCOVER ILKLEY

Town Centre Performance Report

October 2023


Most popular postcodes people travelled from

Total Footfall: 423,450

Total number of unique visitors from the LS29 area were 25,195 which is 80.1% of the local population.

The majority of visitors to Ilkley in October came from the Yorkshire and the Humber area.

Vacancy Rates

23 Vacant Units   7.2% of Total Units *

1 business closed: Ezi Vape, Leeds Road.

3 new businesses.  Bairstow Vickers, Leeds Road; Go Outdoors, Station Plaza; Seddon & Davison, Grove Promenade.

1 Change of ownership: 53 Degrees, Leeds Road (was Commute Café)

* Ground Floor Units

Ilkley Gift card

Ilkley Gift Card

Total giftcards purchased:  15
Value of £260

Total sales to date: £35,362 with approximately £13,322 still to be spent.

£1,349 was spent in October – 50 transactions were made with 24 businesses.

Discover Ilkley

Ilkley Gift Card

Website | Unique visitors: 3,000  | Total page views: 12,000

Facebook | Engagement: 18,841 | Followers: 3,198 | 137 posts

Instagram | Engagement: 455 | Followers: 1,842 | 54 posts

App | Total downloads to date: 1050

WiFi | Users: 1126 | Connections: 3306