Most popular postcodes people travelled from
Total Footfall: 407,696
Total number of unique visitors from the LS29 area were 23,353 which is 73.7% of the local population – a great result to show that people are supporting the local economy.
The majority of visitors to Ilkley in June came from the Yorkshire and the Humber area.
Vacancy Rates
1 business closed. Phase Eight, The Grove.
3 new businesses. Azendi, Brook Street; Ashiana, Wells Road, Select Solid Surfaces, Church Street.
* Ground Floor Units
Ilkley Gift card
Total giftcards purchased: 21
Value of £765.
Total sales to date: £30,362 with approximately £13k still to be spent
£991 was spent in June – 45 transactions were made with 25 businesses
Discover Ilkley
Website | Unique visitors: 4,100 | Total page views: 7,269
Facebook | Engagement: 10,056 | Followers: 2,980 | 112 posts
Instagram | Engagement: 455 | Followers: 1,737 | 37 posts
App | Total downloads to date: 998
WiFi | Users: 1,490 | Connections: 4191