Town Centre Performance Report

June 2023


Most popular postcodes people travelled from

Total Footfall: 407,696

Total number of unique visitors from the LS29 area were 23,353 which is 73.7% of the local population – a great result to show that people are supporting the local economy.

The majority of visitors to Ilkley in June came from the Yorkshire and the Humber area.

Vacancy Rates

25 Vacant Units   7.9% of Total Units *

1 business closed.  Phase Eight, The Grove.

3 new businesses.  Azendi, Brook Street; Ashiana, Wells Road, Select Solid Surfaces, Church Street.

* Ground Floor Units

Ilkley Gift card

Ilkley Gift Card

Total giftcards purchased: 21
Value of £765.

Total sales to date: £30,362 with approximately £13k still to be spent

£991 was spent in June – 45 transactions were made with 25 businesses

Discover Ilkley

Ilkley Gift Card

Website | Unique visitors: 4,100  | Total page views: 7,269

Facebook | Engagement: 10,056 | Followers: 2,980 | 112 posts

Instagram | Engagement: 455 | Followers: 1,737 | 37 posts

App | Total downloads to date: 998

WiFi | Users: 1,490 | Connections: 4191