Total Footfall: 416,617
2.56% higher than February 2023 which was 406,202
Total number of unique visitors from the LS29 area were 21,880 which is 69.6% of the local population.
The majority of visitors to Ilkley in February came from the Yorkshire and the Humber area.
Vacancy Rates
27 Vacant Units 8.5% of Total Units *
2 businesses relocating: Moin Moin from Brook Street to Leeds Road, Ilkley Mobiles from Brook Street to South Hawksworth Street.
2 closed businesses: Dobson & Robinson, The Grove and La Casita, Cunliffe Road.
* Ground Floor Units
Ilkley Gift card

Total giftcards purchased: 13
Value of £550
Total sales to date: £44,456 with approximately £14,696 still to be spent.
£1,231 was spent in February – 47 transactions were made with 24 businesses.
Discover Ilkley

Website | Unique visitors: 3,100 | Total page views: 7,100
Facebook | Engagement: 8,247 | Followers: 3,466 | 109 posts
Instagram | Engagement: 153| Followers: 1,925 | 32 posts
App | Total downloads to date: 1087
WiFi | Users: 861 | Connections: 2,530