Business Networking Sessions

Apr 28, 2022News, Pillar 4

Pillar 4 Business Support

On Wednesday 27th April we hosted our first lunch time networking session in our newly refurbished meeting room at the Town Hall with the intention for BID businesses to improve connections and gain networking connections with other Ilkley business owners and managers.

We have more planned over the next few months (dates to be confirmed) with some taking place at lunch time and some after 5pm, covering all days of the week to try to offer a time that suits everyone.

Spaces at each session are limited so if you would like to come along, meet some fellow Ilkley business owners / managers and enjoy complimentary food and drink provided by our local hospitality please get in touch with and indicate if you prefer a lunch or teatime session.

Thank you to Moin Moin Bakery for providing delicious sandwiches and cakes.  We always look to local businesses to help us with our projects and can confirm that The Ilkley Cafe Company and The Loafer are also involved in our future catering orders.