For events, news and things to do in  Ilkley, visit our tourism site: DISCOVER ILKLEY


2024 Ilkley Pride Sponsorship

2024 Ilkley Pride Sponsorship

Ilkley BID were the headline sponsor for Ilkley Pride 2024 that took place on Saturday, June 29th! This was our third year supporting this fantastic event organised by the Ilkley Pride & Diversity Group. This vibrant event celebrates inclusivity in Ilkley,...

First Aid Training

First Aid Training

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New Ilkley BID Manager appointed

New Ilkley BID Manager appointed

Ilkley BID Chair Ian White and new BID Manager Sarah Brookfield-AlmondThe Ilkley BID board has welcomed the appointment of Sarah Brookfield-Almond as its new BID Manager. She takes over from Helen Rhodes, who is stepping down to focus on the business she runs with her...

March 2024

FootfallMost popular postcodes people travelled fromTotal Footfall: 433,2016.66% higher than March 2023 which was 406,163 Total number of unique visitors from the LS29 area were 21,273 which is 67.6% of the local population. The majority of visitors to Ilkley in March...

2024 Ilkley Carnival – Headline Sponsor

2024 Ilkley Carnival – Headline Sponsor

Ilkley BID’s chair Ian White (right) joins primary beneficiary AWARE volunteer Rachel Miller (centre) Ilkley Carnival chair Andrew Stacey (left) and AWARE members George McKerchar Ilkley BID Maintains Support for Vibrant 2024 Ilkley Carnival The Ilkley Business...

Love Your High Street

Love Your High Street

Ilkley BID has partnered with Rombalds Radio to bring a new fantastic promotional opportunity for BID members called “Love Your High Street”. This exciting campaign connects you with Rombalds Radio's engaged audience of 35,000* listeners and the combined online...

Spring into Easter Trail

Spring into Easter Trail

The Spring into Ilkley trail campaign for the 2024 Easter period aimed to engage families visiting Ilkley through an exciting treasure hunt using Augmented Reality characters scattered around the town centre. By utilising the Discover Ilkley App, the key goals of this...

February 2024

FootfallMost popular postcodes people travelled fromTotal Footfall: 416,6172.56% higher than February 2023 which was 406,202 Total number of unique visitors from the LS29 area were 21,880 which is 69.6% of the local population. The majority of visitors to Ilkley in...

Ilkley BID wins second five year term

Ilkley BID wins second five year term

Ilkley town centre businesses have voted in favour of a second five year term for Ilkley Business Improvement District (BID). The second term will run until 2029.

Ilkley Business Awards 2024

Ilkley Business Awards 2024

The Ilkley Business Awards are a highlight of the year, recognising the incredible contributions of local businesses. This year, the Ilkley BID and The Ilkley Business Forum were proud to join forces as headline sponsors, demonstrating their commitment to supporting...

Ilkley BID helps town venues clamp down on crime

Ilkley BID helps town venues clamp down on crime

An anti-crime app scheme has been introduced by the Ilkley Business Improvement District (BID) to support the town’s retail and hospitality businesses. Ilkley Watch is a free, secure platform available as an app which allows retailers and hospitality venues to quickly...

Business Plan Q&A Drop In Session

Business Plan Q&A Drop In Session

All BID businesses are invited to attend the Business Plan Q&A Drop in Session. For those that have any questions or require further information, please come along to the BID meeting room in the Town Hall. When: Wednesday 6th March 2024 Time:  Between 4pm -...

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights

While Ilkley Town Council decorates the main streets with festive cheer, Ilkley BID goes the extra mile to ensure a sparkling Christmas for the whole town. At the beginning of the first term it was recognised that some areas, despite being important to the overall...

Ilkley BID reports positive sales of its Ilkley Gift Card

Ilkley BID reports positive sales of its Ilkley Gift Card

An important milestone has been reached for the Ilkley Gift Card which was launched by the Ilkley Business Improvement District (BID) in May 2022 to encourage consumers to shop locally and lock in spend to the town. To date, the total value of gift card sales has...

Ilkley Watch – Shop Safe App

Ilkley Watch – Shop Safe App

The Ilkley Business Improvement District (BID) has implemented the ShopSafe app to combat retail crime and anti-social behaviour in the town. This initiative, launched in response to a rise in such incidents, has proven to be a valuable tool for local businesses....