To help attract more visitors to Ilkley from further afield, Ilkley BID have arranged for adverts on the Dales Radio station to showcase Ilkley as a great place to visit.
The radio station is located in the Yorkshire Dales with a reach of up to 60k listeners that live outside the area. Our intention is to promote Ilkley as a great day out, promoting the shops and hospitality offerings as well as the beautiful surroundings. The Cow and Calf and Ilkley Moor bring a lot of visitors to Ilkley and the advertisement is focussing on the town centre businesses, with the tag line – “so much more than just a moor”.
As part of the package, Ilkley BID have secured a 15% discount for any Ilkley business that would like to advertise their business with them.
For more information, please email : | or phone: 07753 637 026.