Ilkley Tennis Event Bunting

Clean and AttractiveIlkley BID and ILTSC Team Up, with Black Hat Taking Centre Court!

The 2024 Lexus Ilkley Trophy Tournament which took place 15th – 22nd June wasn’t just a celebration of fantastic tennis; it was also a chance to brighten up the town centre of Ilkley and recognise creative shop displays. In partnership with the Ilkley Lawn Tennis and Squash Club (ILTSC), Ilkley BID provided funding to update the decorative window bunting displayed throughout shop windows.

This collaboration wasn’t just about decoration, it was about fostering a welcoming atmosphere for visitors to Ilkley during the prestigious sporting event. The BID and ILTSC’s efforts certainly paid off! While the updated bunting undoubtedly added a festive touch, the true stars of the show were the shop windows themselves.

Following a fierce competition, the coveted title of “Best Tennis Themed Window” was awarded to The Black Hat! Their creative display likely captured the essence of the tournament, impressing judges with its originality and connection to the sport.

Lister Horsfall also deserves a round of applause! Their delightful display earned them a special recognition, highlighting the overall quality and effort put into the window decorations across the town centre.

This initiative wasn’t just a visual treat; it also showcased the creativity and community spirit of Ilkley’s businesses. The collaboration between the BID, ILTSC, and the participating shops sent a positive message about the town’s commitment to both the Lexus Ilkley Trophy Tournament and the overall vibrancy of Ilkley.

Marketing the Town

Clean & Attractive

Business Support