Green Initiative

Local Businesses and organisations were invited to a ‘Green Evening’ Event on Tuesday 21 January 2020, at the Clarke Foley Centre, to look at practical suggestions and thoughts on how local businesses can reduce their impact on the environment.

Guest speakers, Wharfedale Tackles Plastics and Martin Hyde, gave informative insights into the latest developments and explored ideas on tackling climate change, reducing climate risk and about how businesses can be more eco-friendly.

A follow up meeting took place on 24th February in the Ilkley BID meeting room.  It was agreed that Wharfedale Tackles Plastics will be issuing a questionnaire to Ilkley Businesses to gather information about the challenges and issues for business around sustainability and becoming more eco-friendly.

Issues discussed at the meeting included how firms could effectively recycle their printer ink cartridges, how business can secure free permits to recycle goods at the tip and retailers ‘open door’ policies, which results in heat and energy being lost during opening hours.

Marketing the Town

Clean & Attractive

Business Support