COVID-19 Advice & Updates
Coronavirus Advice for Businesses – Downloads & Links
Telephone the Business Support Helpline: 0300 456 3565
COVID changes from 19th July 2021
- All remaining limits on social contact will be removed and there will be no restrictions on how many people can meet indoors or outdoors.
- All settings will be able to open, including nightclubs. Large events can resume without any limits on attendance or social distancing requirements.
- All restrictions on life events such as weddings and funerals will be removed.
- The legal requirements to wear a face covering will be lifted. To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, published guidance will advise that wearing a face covering will reduce your risk and the risk to others.
- Social distancing rules will be lifted and only be required in limited circumstances. Guidance will be updated based on the latest clinical evidence this summer.
- It is no longer necessary for Government to instruct people to work from home. Employers can start to plan a return to workplaces.
- Regulations that place COVID-secure requirements on businesses will be lifted. The Government’s ‘Working Safely’ guidance will be updated.
- Businesses must not require a self-isolating worker to come to work, and should make sure that workers and customers who feel unwell do not attend the setting.
- Businesses will be encouraged to ask staff and customers to clean their hands regularly and clean surfaces that people touch regularly. The Government will provide guidance on how businesses can reduce unnecessary contact in the workplace, where it is practical.
- Operators will still be encouraged to use outside space where practical, and to consider the supply of fresh air to indoor spaces. Carbon dioxide (CO2) monitors could be used to help identify where a space is poorly ventilated with businesses encouraged to take steps to improve ventilation if CO2 readings are consistently high.
- Businesses will be encouraged to display QR codes for customers to check in using the NHS COVID-19 app, to support NHS Test and Trace, although it will no longer be a legal requirement.
- In care homes, the Government will lift restrictions that limit each resident to five named visitors. The Government will issue specific guidance on how visits should be conducted to keep care homes safe whilst also making visits as normal as possible. Care homes will need to retain infection prevention and control measures essential to protecting .
The latest guidance from the Government can be found on their website here.
Thank you to City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council for the summary of changes.
Coronavirus Links for Businesses
Bradford Council’s Invest in Bradford team can help with guidance and support with all aspects of business planning and grant funding.
Telephone: 01274 437727.
For local advice visit Bradford Council’s Covid-19 business support page.
For national guidance visit the UK Government website.