Town Centre Performance Report

April 2024


Total Footfall: 428,804
7.9% higher than April 2023.

The majority of visitors to Ilkley in April 2024 came from the Yorkshire and the Humber area.

January 2024 Regional Visitors

Vacancy Rates

26 Vacant Units   8.2% of Total Units *

2 new empty units.  Joels on The Grove closed and Moin Moin on Brook Street moved to Leeds Road.


* Ground Floor Units

Ilkley Gift card

Ilkley Gift Card

Total giftcards purchased:  24
Value of £1,300

Total sales to date: £46,791 with approximately £15,100 still to be spent.

£1,255 was spent in April –  35 transactions were made with 16 businesses.

Discover Ilkley

Ilkley Gift Card
Website | Unique visitors: 3,400  | Total page views: 6,800

Facebook | Engagement: 14,170 | Followers: 3,673 | 129 posts

Instagram | Engagement: 391| Followers: 1,997 |61 posts

App | Total downloads to date: 1124

WiFi |New Users: 978 | Returning Users: 505 | Connections: 2,625 | Average Dwell time: 1hr 41m

Ilkley Watch

Ilkley Gift Card

61 Active Users
31 Incidents reported
33 offenders live